Monday, February 8, 2016

Scenes from our weekend

After Sunday my weekends will no longer revolve around football. I have never been so into NFL as I have this season. It's so fun to watch your team go to the Super Bowl.

 On Friday Jack wore his Jersey to school. Trying to get a toddler to look at the camera and smile for you is near impossible. I break out some of my best moves to get him to look and he still turns away as soon as that phone comes out. I love when I can really get him laughing. I happened to be able to catch it on camera this time.

I got to spend some quality time with this nugget while Jack was at school.

 I know it seems like he is always smiling however, that is not the case. When he is happy he sure is happy but he has times where all he does is cry....and cry...and cry. To the point that I start to cry. The road with this guy has not been an easy once in his short 3 months of life. After we figured out Jacks eating issues at 2 weeks of life he was the happiest and most content baby from there on out. Graham...well he's a different story. I think that between bad reflux and some colic his little tummy gives him major fits. In fact as I was putting him to bed last night he screamed in my arms for 15 minutes and as soon as Patrick came up to try he calmed right down. We joke that he definitely prefers him over me. I say all of this not to get pity but because everyone always comments to me "he is so happy. All he does is smile"....well yeah, I'm not going to post the pictures/moments where all he does is cry {some days} Regardless, we love him more than anything and are so so thankful that we have him in our family! Anyways...I digress

Friday night we had some of our best friends over for dinner. They have 2 kids that are in 3rd and 1st grade and to say Jack loves them is an understatement. He walks around saying their names daily and will find their school picture that is on the fridge and carry it around. When I first met Patrick their kids were just a little older than my two right now. It's so fun to see how things have changed over the years. They are the sweetest with Jack and played with him all night. This was definitely the highlight of his weekend.

Saturday mornings are pretty lazy around here. Lots of coffee drinking and relaxing. Jack has really gotten into it as well...

 Jack and I ran some errands in the morning. He takes after his mama and usually will fall asleep in the car. Luckily this has yet to mess up his awesome napping ability. {again..gets it from his mama}

We went through the car wash and he kept saying "car get a bath". Now that we have Graham I rarely get to take him to do things just the 2 of us. It was great to be able to spend some time with him alone even if it was just running errands.

Saturday afternoon Jack and I went to a birthday party for one of his friends. There was a bounce house set up and he was loving it. It was the first time he has been in one and he wouldn't get out. {and this is when I realized I am a helicopter mom because I was worried about him getting hurt the entire time #owningit }

Saturday night we stayed in and ordered pizza.

Sunday we woke to sleet and ice. I had planned to take Jack to church but with the weather we decided to stay in.

Last but not least Sunday night was the Super Bowl! Finally...I felt like I had waited all weekend to watch this game. Both my babies were dressed in their Panthers finest and we had made some yummy food. We had plans to watch the game with our friends but after the weather was so gross and both my boys were in some moods we decided to stay home.

While the game didn't turn out like we had hoped it was so fun to watch this season and get into it! We are hopeful that they will continue to be a great team next year! #keeppounding

And just for fun...It's always better to go pantsless isn't it? The cars slippers and socks really makes this look.

Happy Monday Friends! I hope that you have a great week!

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