Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Show And Tell Tuesday- My Struggles

Today I'm linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday. I'm so glad I actually remembered to participate this month! Today's topic is "struggles". I recently posted about my struggle with anxiety. So today I'm going to share with you what I like to call the "mom struggles". 

As a mom there are so many highs and lows that we experience on daily basis, sometimes on an hourly basis in my house. I am by no means a perfect mom. In fact there are times when I think I down right stink at it. I lose my patience more than I care to admit. I wake up each morning and tell myself that I will not get frustrated easily, I will accept the whining and temper tantrums and I will get through the day with a cheerful heart. And then at the first melt down that goes out the window. 

I struggle with getting Jack to eat anything remotely healthy! He is beyond picky! Unless it is peanut butter, waffles, pancakes, yogurt, apple sauce, bananas or things unhealthy he won't eat it. I couldn't even get him to try popcorn at the movie yesterday morning! Thankfully Graham is a much better eater and I just pray he continues. I have totally failed in this department as a mom with Jack.

I struggle with screen time. My kids are addicted to ipads/phones etc. It's 100% my fault and I am working on cutting out the amount of time spent on them. Jack started watching the iPad (youtube) when Graham was a newborn. I know that I need to be better about this and I know there is tons of research that says that screen time does terrible things to their brains, but sometimes mama just needs a little break and if it keeps them occupied for 15 minutes than so be it! 

I struggle with comparing my kids. Not only comparing them to each other. Lord knows I did enough of this Graham's first year of life! But also comparing them to other kids. Are they behind what everyone else is doing. Is one doing something better than the other? It's a terrible habit and one that I would really love to break. But I think as parents, its natural to compare. Even if we don't mean to, we are going to do it. 

I struggle with making sure that my boys know just how much I love them. I don't ever want them to question for one second how much I love them. Even in the moments when I am frustrated and don't think I can "mom" one more minute I still want them to know they are the most important thing in my life and that I love them more than anything! 

Here are just a few of my struggles right now! What do you struggle with? can you relate to any of this?

Linking up with Lindsay 


  1. Preach girl preach! You are a wonderful mom. Don't ever doubt that. I know just how you feel because I have so many of the same feelings each day. I give myself the same pep talk every morning and then I have to reel myself back in when I notice I'm getting frustrated. Just know you arne't alone.

  2. I felt like I could have written this entire thing. It's all so hard. You're a wonderful mom and are doing a great job with those two sweet boys!

  3. Yes!! Some days I feel awful about screentime, but then when I get an actual chore accomplished, I'm so thankful for those iPads. It's a daily struggle!

  4. Girl the fact that you care that you "struggle" just shows how great of a mom you are! I am all about using your "big guns" aka screen time when you need some quiet time. Trust me, they will survive ;) and totally agree about comparing your babies to others. I care way too much about what people think of me and I find myself struggling with that about Vivi too. Does she look cute enough, why is she fussier than those other babies, etc etc. Just last night we went to dinner with my whole family and she screamed 80% of the time and I wanted to stab my ears out. Still working on my patience but it's a struggle for all moms I think!

  5. Oh yes! I definitely struggle to keep my kids my fit and healthy, struggle to regulate screen time and struggle with comparisons!

  6. We definitely all have our mom struggles!

  7. Don't give yourself so much credit.;) As much as I'd like to take credit for everything they do that's awesome, I also know that most of their desirable behaviors are b/c of their personalities and quirks. Knowing this, I've learned I don't need to take credit for all the undesirable stuff either. You haven't failed because all Jack wants to eat is waffles, that just the way he is. You can help him grow and taste new things, but you are not failing. They are their own little people with positive and negative traits. And the beautiful thing is that they love you for who you are, too. Quirks and all. I bet if I asked them they would go on and on about you and all the fun stuff you do with them, not about any of this stuff. You are doing great.

  8. You're an amazing mama! And don't stress about the screen time--think about how much TV we used to watch as little kids, and we turned out just fine!

  9. It is hard not to compare, especially if your baby is behind in any area where other babies are doing something they aren't yet! And we don't do the Ipad but are totally guilty of too many cartoons. But I mean, sometimes the tradeoff is a healthy dinner with cartoons, or no cartoons and a frozen pizza. Sometimes we have to make our choices ;-)

  10. I could have written this post myself. We struggle with all of this in our house! My main struggle right now, though, is working full time. OH HOW I WANT TO QUIT. I hate that I'm missing so much of their lives and I especially hate that I can't be with them during the summer. It really stinks.

  11. Thanks for sharing your struggles, because we all have more than our fair share of them. Your Jack sounds like my Emily. Enough with the picky eating already... your 6 years old. I just keep telling myself I outgrew it, so will she.

  12. I can't get my kids to eat healthy things much either. It is a struggle. I saw how well my nephew eats and I got some frustrated that my girls don't eat like that. Ugh. I hate comparing kids too. Total mom struggles over here as well.

  13. Connor gets far too much screen time. And I don't care one single bit. Some days it's better than others. But for me to do things I want to do (read, blog, even shower in peace) he watches TV or plays with his computer. I will not be guilted by anyone about this.

    Connor will not, as in flat out refuses to eat veggies. I'm not worried about it. I was the same way as a little girl. I grew out of it and so will he.

  14. One of my biggest pet peeves about myself is how much I compare things to others. I do this in my head. I compare my body, parenting styles, marriages, children behavior, you name it. My sister in law literally has the patience of Jesus. I look at her I think "why can't I be like that."
    Don't let the minor struggles steal your joy of motherhood. I don't see you in your day to day but I know you're rocking it!

  15. Oh my goodness, I struggle with ALL of these things too. I wonder at the end of the day if my kids know they are loved, if they had enough veggies, if they watched too much TV. But the fact that you struggle and care and love so much means a lot. You're a good mama! Glad I found your blog today!

  16. I can relate so much to everything you are saying! I also have a picky eater, my oldest will not try new foods and my youngest eats almost anything.


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